Thursday, September 20, 2007

Health stuff

So a decent enough portion of the time, I'm okay... but it just strikes regularly throughout the day lasting usually between 10-30min at a time. So it's more disruptive than anything else. The hardest thing that I've noticed is that over time (a long time now), it has just made life more like a task than a blessing. Even touring which should overal be fun and somewhat enjoyable.. just feels like work. This makes the idea of work itself (at say, a real job) even more intimidating.. as its hard enough to drag myself out of bed everyday just to try to supposedly have fun. Many times even just going out dancing or to a bar... is such a task.. I do it because otherwise I will just rot away in my hotel room.. but in reality every time, its such a push.. I feel like I should be paid on the job... because its just not enjoyable.

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