Saturday, September 8, 2007

Cambodia, whoa

Whoa! (Sept 4th)

I guess I knew this was a 3rd world country, and I knew it was going to be a bit scary, and I dind't know what to expect... but whoa.. it still was beyond what both Lucy and I could have imagined. Scary? Yes.

We even knew about the scam bus, and we USUally have our wits about us... but somehow got suckered in like the rest. Its a really soar subject and neither of us like to bring it up anymore because not only did we lose a LOT of money, we also lost a lot of pride in our stupidity after being such seasoned travelers now. So it rests here.

It is crazy dirty here... and we have forgotten what it's like to be out of our comfort zone having lived in Thailand so long and accustomed.

Dust everywhere, beggers, cripples from mines, orphan children running rampant, the american dollar-- I think quite possibly the only other country that uses the american dollar as their currency. How unusually annoying... as we don't even carry that anymore. And more so-- they barely except their own currency-- the riel-- of which we have a whole crapload now for an extremely poor exchange rate.. major bummer. As we were told at the border there were no ATMS and they would not accept Thai baht in country... a total scam. Along with the fact that they took 1300baht for an only 20usd visa requirement. They stole money from us left and right. Now we feel a bit at a loss as our accounts are drying up and we have less money to give to the actual people who need it here... the destitude poor.

We finally nestled our way into another place after fighting with our busdrivers and hotel people that dropped us off conveniently at their payoff hotel just far enough to not walk elsewhere. Lucy and I planned not to be out at night in this country... but we've ended up there a few times more than liking, albeit safely, but after dark.

Sept 5- Spent the day just trying to get our barings. Cambodia is more expensive than budgeted.. as we were very used to living like locals in THailand... now we're having to play the tourist game much more than desired.

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