Friday, March 30, 2007
My First Motorbike Experience!!!
After suffocatoing Brent with the deathgrip for the first hour to seeminly save my life, I realized the whole motorbike they is really not all that bad. We got an extremely late start, but was so well worth the money and time spent as was the perfect way to see the real deal! I'm going to include an excerpt here from my best friend's travlelogue who explains the whole thing so much better than I have time for right now in my sweaty bits of time in the computer room:
"After a breakfast of fruit (fresh cut pineapple, mango, & oranges), we explore the large island on which we are located (Samosir) via rented moped. They are called ‘motorbikes’ here, but I am reminded of a childhood bicycle with a banana seat and a lawnmower engine rather than my 750 cc behemoth back home. For two tourists, it suffices. I have seen families of up to 6 people (2 adults and 4 children) crowded onto a single moped throughout SE Asia, and laugh at the thought of western families struggling to get 3 kids into a minivan.
We follow the shoreline road that encircles Samosir island (same size as Singapore) in the middle of Lake Toba. It is a breath-taking road, but not because of my driving. There are multi-tiered rice paddies, each patch a different shade of green, and makeshift scarecrows with tattered work shirts and Chinese straw hats, scattered throughout the fields. We stop to photograph a lakeside scene of floating huts, cows with bells, a woman washing clothes in the lake, and a young child playing in the water. The landscape changes intermittently between rice paddies, forests, grassy hills, and rows of Batak houses with the apex of their roof culminating in a point that curves upward at each end. Children and even many adults, smile and wave to us, seemingly amused by the Asian man with his white woman. Or is it a white woman with her Asian man? Even though Faren wears a helmet, they know she’s not a local. But they’re not so sure about me.
The pothole-laden road winds along the lake for an hour, then turns upwards towards the hot springs, where Faren gets serenaded by 4 teenage boys singing and playing guitar. We decide against soaking in the springs as it is getting windy and cool and with no towels, we also have no bathing suits. We’re elevated high above the lake with a great vista of the surrounding landscape and the hot springs below. The boys are laughing and singing the whole time, at that last age where innocence becomes muddled in the transition to adulthood. We eventually bid adieu to our new friends and start making our way back. The sun is starting to set and with it, bugs take flight around the lake. I have no helmet & visor, so I pull my Buff headwear up to cover my mouth and nose and the flip the back up to cover my forehead, using my sunglasses to protect me from bug splatter in my eyes. Anywhere else in Islamic-dominated Sumatra, having my head completely covered would not be overly surprising. But Lake Toba is the only Christian pocket in Sumatra, and it confuses people to see what appears to be a Muslim (or a terrorist) riding a moped wearing shorts with a woman on the back with long blonde hair flapping in the wind from under a helmet. Children turn and stop halfway through a hand wave, their smile turning into a look of deep confusion."
Lake Toba!
So, we stayed in the suite of this hotel (again after much debating)- because we're cheap! I know it sounds nothing to you all--- it only cost us 9usd each!) to stay lake front, view with balcony, in the suite! Yah- it was a great deal!!!
This was the last bit of our Sumatran trip! So yes! I am finally wrapping that segment up, and I can move back into Thailand now! (and the last bit of real luxury for a while!) Second pic taken of our balcony!!!
Sumatran Sunrise
Monday, March 19, 2007
I'm a dork
although a bit blurry... a real experience!
...a real bad one! This image will forever be in my heart. We took the most horrible bus ride of our lives out of the village.. but along the way, they had the most magnificent glimpses of coconut farms... I can't begin to describe what this picture fails to capture... but it was so magical.... The ride was nausseating.. literally.. but every few seconds i could get a moment of happiness as I imagined myself frollicking through the trees swaying in a red dress. More on the buses later... but in case you ever find yourself in the middle of a jungle in Sumatra-- DON"T EVER TAKE THE PUBLIC TRANSIT... not even to save your life! Because, it can kill you.. and i'm not even exaggerating. We heard horror stories... luckily our ride was only obnoxious at worst. One old fellow we met going into Buket Lewang by bus said they brought on the equivalent of 2000gallons of gas... the fumes were so bad the people on the streets were holding their nose! Better yet, there are no smoking laws here... guess what everyone on the bus was doing! Yah- a moving time bomb as he put it! He was freaking out!!! But that's how they do everything here... public buses are literally just another mode of transportation for everything else.. people are just a bonus income. Apparently cows, pigs, and chickes are common place in the seat next to you!
Rickety old bridge
As cutely artistic it may seem, it's actually one of the only real ways to get across the river... yep- this aint just a looking bridge... its probably one of the scarriest walking bridges I can ever regret upon. I wouldn't mind it, except that around here, something you learn very quickly- they don't fix it if it aint broken! You could be that lucky time! Especially since we arrived near midnight the first night in, no light, with our heavy packs having NO freaking clue where we were or where we were going... on its sister rickety bridge nearby. I seriously contemplated what kinds of things I would break if I fell... because it wasn't quite far enough to kill you on impact nice and easily... it would be slow painful haul out.
Bad Monkey!
We got up at the crack of dawn much to our disinterest but on our last day to take beautiful picturs of a our beautiful village we could never forget. Well! So did this monkey (and many others).. but not like this monkey. THis monkey decided to throw coconuts at me while I was trying to capture the essence of sunrise! Can you see all the flying debris from the mess of a tree he just tore apart above me!?
Buket Lewang- still in Sumatra
I don't know if you can tell amongst the greenery, but down there at the very bottom is an orange spec of our hotel room. In the middle of nowhere.. I mean... in the middle of everywhere! It is soo green and beautiful here. This was on a killer hike the second day after the first killer hike had me soar from the first day. But I had to go because we had special accompaniment by one of the villages oldest locals who knew all the medicinal purposes of the land... quite a treat. Just another long exhausting one as well.
back in the game!
Okayyyy... after hours of deleting and combining... I THink I barely have the energy to start reposting! I can't wait to catch up to the present tense... as there seem to be so many stories flying by everyday that will be long forgotten by the time I get there! Anywayssss.... this picture shows the all the energy I could muster up in excitement for what was to come and what had already come!!! Bascially we took an extremely long exhausting, but out of this world trekking adventure to see the Orangutans... we were all a bit nausseated and passing out from the heat and exhaustion... BUT thankfully some brilliant company thought up the idea of tubing the trek back. So basically you hike your ass off, and then you get to relax and chill ou in the water watching the amazing scenery go by. Well, not quite relax.. as there were some big and somewhat scarry rapids ahead of us... but it was all in good fun! My pose should show just HOW excited I was given how incredibly tired I was!!!!!
Monday, March 5, 2007
Somehow this got posted without any text-- but basically it said that blogger stopped allowing me to post pix... possibly I ran out of space. So for now I have deleted many of the pix after printing it all out-- but not the text-- since text doesn't take up much space. I will continue to post now (still a TON of catchup) but also continue to take down my older posts to do so. I will also downsize as much as possible. I have two-years worth so I gatta make it last! =)
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